Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Where did all the biceps go, long time pumping?

Harper bought a dumb-bell yestereve - much to his own amusement at the thought of dragging it across the tube notwork to Tooting Broadway. Don't ask the price! Worth it's weight in steel  - probably.

Also bought the Holland & Barrett men's health mag. 'Jeff' the personal trainer told me that the typical muscle-man you see on the glossy pages of such magazines quite often faint after they've done their posing. Apparently I'm a mesomorph... not an ectomorph or an esomorph. I'm a little wiser but not much: the human body, as we see it today, generally divides into these 3 types: fighters, runners and rugby players.

So it's high reps for me then...

Leona and Michael have had their first child - praise God! That's an answered prayer-and-a-half! Facebook 'o sphere has it's uses. Horribly addictive though.

The swimming at the gym is just great for sleeping well - I got to bed by 10pm and read for half an hour before lights out, the earliest for many a half moon. Legs feeling pretty tirrrred today though.

My dear Ma n Pa are heading to Nodnol today for teaching (mum) and supper (dad). Yet again, mum will probably manage a triple Eastenders and tonic - oh! forgive me: that's Sunday's post prandial. Tonight is merely a schooner of finest Walford. 'Jeff' mentioned (proudly?) that at 730pm at the gym, there are lines of dinner-dodgers running away as if their gym membership depended on it and watching the great British soaps on the new, hi-tech machines, screens on each display, plugged into the headphones.


There was an article in the Men's Health mag about music and fitness.

I can still do 20 pressups on my fingers - is that what they meant? But I've never been able to play the piano part of Schubert's Erlkonig...

The gym running machine/computers do have radio 3 (as well as facebook/twitter etc)

Meanwhile, winter seems to have got hold of the January thermostat.


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