Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Barbara Windsor was really... our studio!!!! 'Enders royalty doesn't come more regal - and yes I do realise she's left the program (has she?). We also had a quick look in from that Matt guy off Little Britney (check that Ed.)

Recording for 8 hours yesterday with The Rebel Chorus at Leroy Street Studios: our second day hard at work for Benjamin Till laying down the vocal parts for his London Requiem which features cameos from our new above-named close-personal-celebrity-friends. FAB!  Have you ever had the unpleasant sensation that you're about to forget how to do something that is almost second nature to you? Woken up and momentarily forgotten how to breathe? Play the piano? Ice skate? Eat cheese? We did such intense music making for so long yesterday that momentarily I forgot the mechanics of singing and reading music - the processor overloaded you might say... horrible, but good to be operating at the peak of what I'm musically capable of. We were having to make so many tiny vocal decisions about hundreds/thousands of vowel sounds and notes, mostly sung very fast and often with hardly any time to breathe... you get the picture? Wonderful fun though!

Anyhow, the album is due to be launched later in July and hard-copy will probably be available in August. We get a slim cut so on behalf of the Credit Card fiends of Ol' London Town please buy several copies. I'll put up a link in time (Deo Volunte).

Off to 'Kew the Music' tonight to see M people which Bazard has organised for the second year on the trot. Several thousand people plus Kew gardens and a Summer evening on the lawn: grrrrrr.... weather!

My friend Stuart said he'd lost hope in this Summer and I can sympathise... I'm not sure I trust it any more... all that Spring optimism seems to have dissipated in the mist into a permanent lingering sensation of gloaming clamminess... yeurk!!

Rehearsing with Lucy Barker (Not Lucy BRITTON! N.B.) also over in Kew and also today; (see photo?). Lucy has taken money off Les Arches Jeaunes for appearances on the Televisual for their grilled Hamburger Restaurant (which we're completely loving): also featuring as a Special K kind of girl a few years ago. Hubby Rick was in Band of Brothers and also Rome. Clever folk these actor types: larning lines and all that.

Dreth's powerdown birthday today aussi; lunch at the Thomas Cubitt and back to the Command Centre for scoring up my music for Friday's concert. Anyone reading this who'd like to come along, I've a performance this Friday 6th July at 730pm at St Margaret's next to Westminster Abbey. Will be conducting Zadok the Priest and singing a few solos and a couple of duets plus  accompanying on the piano and performing one of my songs (as written for Jenny's Wheatley's wedding this August.) Tickets on the door at £12.

It's been a good - if busy - few days...

Molto Grazie!!!

I'm enjoying the italic button today...

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