Wednesday, 18 July 2012

"Praise the Lord and pass the lentils!", as I often say over dinner these days, such is their domination of my current cuisine choice - La Max is blessing me with her presence this eve hopefully, and I think it's red lentils yet again... I can cook other things - honest - just I've got into a lentil phase. Well, lentils and porridge and bananas mostly. Seem to still be losing weight and getting fitter though, and energy levels are good and eating and sleeping well.

Dropped in to see Aaron at Basstone yesterday and played him my two new songs on the BB which he liked. Interestingly he thought the lyrics to Thank you for the Dance were too middle class - suppose they are a bit, but hadn't thought that would be a problem... more James Blunt anyone??? He suggested I listen to Adele and have a rethink on that front. It is in her style - I'd love to hear hear her singing it. Guess my bank manager would too...

Literary Lunch, January 2011?
 Talking of which, a small embarrassment at the checkout of Sainsbury's meant it wasn't smoked haddock with poached eggs and spinach for dinner last night, rather a very happily received free meal from dear Kami at Tarragon: bless you Kami. I thought of you this morning at St Mary's.
Riccardo Moogenfinchers, The Cardinal pub, 2009
Ant has just gone off to carry on his day after we had a coffee and hot water here at Cafe Nero, his preferred brekker venue - I love their wifi connection... We were in confessional mood both of us: golly, what a tale - suppose we both have in our different ways. Sorry to arouse your curiosity (and not satiate it) dear reader, but it was interesting to hear what he had to say.

L-R Rosie, Rosemary and Laura, The Cardinal pub RCIA gang 2009
Spoke to Jeepers last night for about 45 of our earth minutes: he sounds a changed man, and, indeed, I failed to recognise his voice when he answered the phone...! Some of the best decisions I've ever made have been leaving jobs - often a much bigger and more positive thing than starting them funnily enough, certainly in terms of its impact on one's mental clarity and peace of mind, ability to focus etc. etc. I remember my joy at leaving the Royal Ballet School (after 10 years working there) - or do I? Actually, I remember the wanting to leave and the cumulative sense afterwards of having made the right decision (for which wisdom and encouragement to do so my huge thanks Mozza, as you then were).

Jeepers is enjoying the same feeling having now left his pit-stop in academic purgatory: full marks of respect to him for having gone through the pain barrier etc etc and emerging to smile at the happier side of the finishing line of this particular race. He's got so much leaner and fitter too - quite an achievement.

Bold Tendencies exhibition in Peckham courtesy of Lucy Britton. Summer 2011 

Family Evans at Edward's christening, September 2011 
Rondle McDondle has been sojourning chez Margate with Ma and Pa, and I've enjoyed hearing the daily briefing of what they've all been up to. Years ago, I would regularly go to Magatty for the entire summer, often for a month at a time, popping back up to London to sing a Sunday service, and then high tailing it back to the Kent Riviera on Network Southeast. Halcion Summer days of sunbathing and reading and walking and gathering round the dining table and at the cafe and church and charity shop. Margate is so much nicer now than it was 10 years ago - especially with the Turner Contemporary gallery and all the new Artsy feel: can't wait to get down there again. Maybe the Fellowship will have to have another trip to the East Kent Marches...
Mum's reception into the Catholic Church at St Ann's Cliftonville with late Father Eric and her sponsor Dr John Keet

Literary Lunch, March 19th 2011 
We're gathering pace for the recording of the album next week - or the first recording of the album anyway. Need to have an urgent conversation with the elusive Mogenfinch plus the longsuffering Mike Cayton; he did get to play at the Christmas concert I organised at St Ann's, but there's been more talk from the Harper than actual music making with Mike and I feel I need to pull the rabbit out of the hat rather. Again, another phone conversation needs to happen fairly soon. Gatesdene gang are scheduled over on Sunday for recording of our audio book, but - and if any of you are reading please take note! - I've yet to hear back from more than Elaine, HG and Margaret... hint hint, er...  are you coming???  (three question marks)
Barnaby on "Holiday", Literary Lunch June 2011

The gathered throng: Literary Lunch at Terre di Sud, June 2011.

I'm enjoying blogging a bit more often this last month and reader numbers seem to be up. For which, and for all of the above and the positive vibe I'm going through at the moment....

Molto Grazie!!!

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