Thursday, 12 January 2012

Did you ever wonder what happened to Christmas?

The tall, walrus elf, known on these blog pages as Aviary has been being true to her secret identity as God's Tall Elf of Kindness. Now I'm not saying anything, but I know that Ant has had a few parcels appear by the door (note 'by' not 'through' the door) over the past couple of days. I guess that perenial comment applies though - it looked bigger on e-bay!

Father Christmas has made a scheduled appointment to make a small visit to St Anthony's Harpertage in a few weeks time (courtesy of Mum and some long term savings discipline - not his greenclad TEofK this time) and so there is a possibility - if the plans work out - of a trip to parts American with a senior poetry executive to do some sittin' at the feet of Christopher West and his presentation of Blessed Pope John-Paul II's teaching on the Theology of the Body: I bought Male and Female He Created Them with book vouchers I was given by the Royal Hospital and absolutely loved what I read but never finished it. It's on the long-term back burner.

Well; we shall see what transpires, and if last year taught me anything at all, it was that

'Man proposes - God disposes'.

The Theology of the Body (ToB) is a seismic shift theology: it had that effect on my dear friend Rosie from CARJ when we went to a day conference about 2 and a half years ago. One phrase has stuck with me particularly -

"Marriage is the meaning of the Universe"

And that union will not be barren or self-serving. From the Kiss of the Father and Son the Spirit proceeds - and from the union of man and woman it is implicit that there must be (or have been) the possibility of children: even if the possibility is only chromosomic compatability. To deny or frustrate the possibility of the processes of fertilisation is to 'eat the fruit without swallowing' (as Jack put it or something like in Mere Christianity.)

Why did the Mystic share her last Rolo with the Lord?

Because He had become her sweet Lover...

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