Thursday, 5 January 2012

Egash and egesh, enak and enak...

They didn't warn me that monks go on holiday...

All was uncommonly quiet at St Mary's, Clapham Common this morning. Leaves were piled up against the chained gates as the 7am commuters swept past towards the City. We faithful but misadvised few gathered around the notice board to lament that the Bridegroom's wise virgins were already mustered around the banquet hall table - we left, our several ways, to bemoan our foolishness... teeth were provided enough for a Cafe Nero croissant (gnashed a couple of hours ago...) as I type, alone in the basement, serenaded by the sounds of Bach in their mocking symmetry...

The year seems to have got off to a very poor start for this massaholic-cathoholic. I've been trying to feed and assuage my addiction since January 1st with no results. Argh! Hungry! Thirsty too!

Father M and I were chatting of Marthe Robin and her 50 years sustained merely by the Eucharist: (thanks for the excellent book dear Sarah). He mentioned that there is a lady in this very Parish (or very nearby) who is similarly victualled. His Grace is aware. These things are hidden from the world's eyes partly by our cowardice, and partly by the general guilt and idolatry.

"Moan moan, gripe groan groan, weep not alone-lone
pay credit card loan, big bills for phone phone"

(To the tune of 'Let's call the whole thing off')

Unc M and Aunty B plus nephers headed to Nancy Lam's Enak Enak restaurant on Lavender Hill last night (due to currently needing Indonesian cuisine as well as Israeli Mount Zion Lamb.) As expected, Nancy Lam(b) appeared a la table to query her customer's enjoyment of the (delicious) repaste.

"They think I'm crazy oriental"

('They" being every TV chef you care to mention.)

Unc and Nanc had a Chef-off which she won, having started at 9, (by compare he was a positively senescent 14) and an age-off which he won (being a year or two the senior.) It was all a bit silly, but the food was exquisite.


Feed my sheep... tend my lambs... feed my lambs...

Man cannot live on Lam alone.

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