Thursday, 10 May 2012

Somewhere in the e-thosphere...

"Well I never - Sherlock Holmes I do declare! And today of all days... will wonders never cease..."
"Moriarty... very good to see you and your hideout... nice curtains!"
"All the better for hiding behind... and...? Why... great blistering barnacles!"
"The very same - good to see you too Professor M!"
"Professor Calculus, here and in my living room - such an honour! But - one moment... who have we here in the Sari?"
"Salaam gentlemen and villains"
"No need to stand-up please..."
"How is Heaven? I've always wandered."
"All the better for seeing you - as we Blessed say.. but look! Over there, with the mad hair!"
"Ludwig Van Beethoven at your service."
"Herr Beethoven - was kann wir dich..."
"...Was freude! freude!"
"Yo dudes!"
"Oh, it's Keanu Reeves and the cast of Bill and Ted's excellent adventure... hello Mr Death, Ted etc etc... (Tsch... Hollywood!)"
"Manuel... what are you doing out of VHS format... this is no time for mentioning the..."
"Edith Wharton?"
"No, Pablo Picasso actually. Easy mistake to... Yoda?"
"These are not the characters you're looking for. Fictional we are."

(Every day scene in the youtube common room.)

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