Tuesday, 22 November 2011

The prawn heavy paella and the t.v. channel of doom

Tuesday nights at St Anthony's Harpertage usually have one or two ingredienti that crop up at the dinner table rather frequently. Rindle Mcdindle, my dear close friend, has been quasi-adopted by the Harmer family, and has negotiated washing up duties in exchange for regular prawn stir-fries.

The only downside of the patterning of the evening arrangements is that various characters seem to join us, who, to be brutally honest, and by contrast, are NOT welcome.Vis: a certain Dorothy from the church; Zanab and his partner the warrior princess; a Mr I.B. who comes over especially from E17 to join us. Fine chaps and chapesses. Clearly. However, they usually have the decency not to stay for dinner itself, but, unfortunately, as they file out about 2000h, at the same time as someone always seems to choose to be doing their drum practise; ('doof, doof, doof' - Neighbours! Tsk!)  yet MORE people turn up.

The later crowd are medical folk apparently, (although I have no idea where Holby Hospital is) but they seem to have a keen interest in pop music and pantomime.They don't eat much but they do tend to argue amongst themselves. Not what one would make first choice for dinner conversation. Tonight, for instance, while the nibbles were being nibbled this side of the TV screen, one of them had the cheek to start doing something to someone else's blackened fingernail... AND with a needle!

Jack Russell Harmer enjoyed the heaviness of tonight's prawn distribution though...

I found a snarling, pettifogging kind of day awaiting me today. Interesting the difference that a proper breakfast might have made; the company can often be the very best. The Very best. What DOES pettifogging mean???

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