A good friend of mine...
Tells me that he will be checking the previous Blog for corrected grammatical errors...
Dear John, I couldn't work out how to do that for all of them but managed to do so for one of 'em.
(Pace DLE and JCDF, JC, PH, RP; couldn't remember all the initials!)
Barnaby and I, we have been chatting about the programme for the Half Moon Pub on the 16th December.
He's probably doing 'Since you cared about me' and 'Gone are the days', plus one other. I've agreed to practise 'Leonard Cohencidence' and 'The Turkey Messiah' ("Cancel Christmas, Thanksgiving over; Bernard Matthews' death was a Jackpot Rollover...")
Funeral today for Kay Williams at St Ann's: the first hymn seemed to slip off the radar - I'd been looking forward to For All the Saints particularly, but was upsterviced by Bryn and the CD player.
Chatting to JMB about the programme for the Mary Mag's Advent Carol service, and Richard Mogenfinch (real name Finchendorf, or is it Dorfenmog?) has asked me to play for a "Jazz singer" (!) on Friday at Push Studio in Dulwich. This could be very interesting. I do a kind of unreasonable impression of 'Jazz' at the best of times, and with a downhill key and a tune that's less than familiative one wonders if this is wise...
Father Christmas is due to put in an appearance at The Willow Nursery on Thursday December 15th. Last year he parked his bus pass/sleigh/Nelven line at Asda's spacious facility (plenty of room for "Every Little Helper"...) then bifocal-located for a quick change at Wandsworth Road's Baptist Church. I have been practising Giant laughter this year for Jack and the Beanstalk (www.4diospace.com or Amazon at some point; I think it's Nortoning soon) so FC is Reddy and Wassailing.
I don't think technology is very good for practising music time...
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