Tuesday, 20 May 2014

17 Months on...

Some of you will know that a Charlotte shaped whirlwind whisked me to St Mary's last July to make various promises of love, honoring and cherishing...

Marriage is a private thing and a public thing it seems. My darling wife would be less than darling were this to be some sort of confessional (which it's not), but various things are publishable to the net and hopefully a few happy readers may benefit.

I've taken up gardening.


Not only is the Harmer well astride that middle youth bracket, plus marriage and mortgage type things, but part of the BD dowry is our 45 by 90 foot communal garden.

Alan Titchmarsh... you never looked so lovely!

Anyhow, garden type posts ahoy.

I think that I shall never see
A thing as lovely as a tree

(DHLawrence apparently)

The massive light blocking Sycamore at the end of our garden however, aperched atop the precarious and listed Victorian brick wall is looking rather less than lovely. Lambeth Council website: here I come!